Mugambi is a vibrant boy despite his horrific past. Abandoned by his mother at the age of 9, he was left with a note at his father's home basically saying that this is your child and please take care of him. The mother wanted to remarry and in her tribe children from another man must be returned to their father. However Mugambi did not even know his father.
He waited all day for his father to come home. His father did take him in, but because of stigma and embaressment he locked him in the house for about a year, not allowing him to go to school and basically neglecting him. A neighbour finally rescued him. The hospital report was devastating. He was diagnosed with dermatitis as his skin is so dry. His scrotum was swollen and he had maggots coming from the back of his head. All due to neglect. In the hospital he had to stay in a crib, even though he was around 11 or 12 years of age. He arrived at Toto Love about August of 2009.
Today he is attending school in nursery, way behind for his age. He will be in Class 1 in January. He is very small for his age, with very dry skin and the hair has not grown back on his head where the maggots were. He looks like a little old man.
He is learning english, and we will always remember him saying "goodnight" even in the middle of the day. He was also very excited about our visit to his school.
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