Boys on the new bunk beds!

Catherine and the beginning of her hair being plated.

The boys in the soccer jerseys!

The start of the outside, roof will be red and bottom portion will be black to keep it from looking dirty from the rain and mud!
Last day in Embu. Denise left for Toto to give them money for the hair salon, I stayed in the hotel to pack my suitcases. Denise returned about 9am, so we went for breakfast in the hotel with Paul and then brought our items to the van. We also figured out the money for various projects still underway. We wanted to pay the workers, and leave money for the last of the projects. We returned to Toto Love where just the boys and the older girls were to see them and bring gifts and say goodbye.
Peter and painter Benson had started the grey on the outside and it looked so good. They loved the rollers and we promised to bring them more next time. Normally they would just use a brush to paint the whole house, in and out, as rollers are so expensive there, I heard they were around $20 each. We took them aside to express our thanks and pay them for their work. $6,000 ksh each ($85 or $15/day). Well worth it as we then didn't have to paint the outside! Can't wait to see pics of the roof, it will be red. We really had a fun time with them. They are hard workers and eager to learn. At first we were kind of mad at them because Benson had watered down the paint so much, but not realizing for a roller you need it thicker. We told him to trust us, and paint Canadian way! By the end he was so happy with our direction, and that we had been painting for many years. Benson painted more like me, Peter painted more like Hillie! Benson and I did the precise stuff.
The bunkbeds still hadn't arrived and we waited as long as possible. We gave out the shirts, soccer jerseys, leis, noisemakers, bracelets, necklaces, new socks, new underwear and put glow in the dark stairs on the ceiling in the bedrooms.
We hung pictures that Denise had brought, lamenated photos that she took from the airplane one day. We hung the kitchen curtains too. They had also started repainting the black portion in the kitchen with the oil paint so we had to be careful not to ruin the kitchen curtains!
The kids loved all the gifts. The soccer jerseys were a big hit, and Deredk was even able to find a Ronaldo one, player from Brazil, in the pile! He loved it, and even showed me his soccer moves with the new soccer ball outside.
We left with the older girls, Edna, Rhoda and Bansy, for the hair salon. The little girls were there getting their hair plated. Very long process. Took pictures and gave out t-shirts. Paul had bought chips (french fries) for them to share. Talia had been bugging him the night before to show up with chips and he did!
We said our goodbyes to the girls, I hugged each one and when I got to Bansy the tears just started to fall. I just held her a bit tighter and she held me back. I hated the idea of leaving her behind. Her story was so bad. Not able to walk because of her leg deformity. How she would crawl out to the streets to beg for food to feed her and her AID stricken mom. And cook for her, and feed her, and how her mom died right in front of her while she was feeding her one night. Something a child should not have to know about let alone witness it first hand.
We left the first salon with Ruth to go to the next salon to visit the house moms. We gave them $3,000 each ($40). Both Carolyn and Milka are HIV positive and make no money. This would give them a bit of spending money, something they don't usually have. They work so hard for the kids. Do all the laundry, meals, cleaning, and get no pay. It would be nice to set up a salary for them, that way they don't have to rely on volunteers.
We just got word that the bunkbeds had arrived so we quickly went back to see them. 3 sets were outside and we took pictures of the boys on the beds.
We gave Ruth the money, individually packaged in baggies! Each with a note telling what it was for. Plus extra money for new backpacks and for more black paint for the kitchen/outside. We also gave her a thankyou card and $5000 ($70) for all her hard work. Told her to treat herself or take her family out. They don't get to see much of her, she works and is at Toto Love most of the time.
We were on the road now for the farm, 2 hour drive and we had to make it before dark and before the rain or we would be stuck on the bad roads.
We stopped quickly for rice then later for Tuskers, then at a really nice hotel for Samosa's. We also stopped for groceries, spent $4,000 ($55) personally on shared groceries with the farm. Just the basics though, loaves of bread, peanut butter, jam, bottled water, soap, air freshener, cookies. Dinners would be provided at the farm, mostly just something to eat for breakfast and cookies to snack on during the day.
We stopped for a bathroom break and take a picture of the Rift Valley. Very beautiful area. These were the true Kenyan outhouses. A squatter as they call them. Denise and I were giggling as we took our bathrom break. The funniest thing though was the first out house had "mens short call only" written on it, in other words men may only pee in that one!
Roads were good, but the last 1/2 hour of roads are scary! Very large rocks embedded in the dirt roads. I can see why Paul wanted to get to the farm before dark.
We arrived and Tabatha, Susan and Monica had prepared dinner. We unpacked and then sat for the most delicious meal. Beef, rice, lentils, cabbage, kale, and the tomato/cilantro salsa/salad. Had tea after dinner. Talked a bit. It is quite cold in this region. Needed jacket on, blanket on lap too. Fireplace was going, only heat and though there are glass windows and metal doors, there are openings at the tops of the rooms to the outside! The cement clay building material they use to build the houses also doesn't help. Cold floors, cold everything. But the farm and home was much nicer than I imagined. Very clean. They get alot of missionaries here. They charge $20/night per person and that includes the dinner, and you can have a warm shower (sponge bath style) in the morning if you like. House has solar to power the lights. Otherwise no real power. They have a cook house outside for the traditional cooking and inside the 1/2 kitchen has a fireplace that they keep a big pot of water on, for various duties!
Well I was very tired must have been only 8:30pm when I turned in.