The idea of Toto Love, an orphanage for HIV positive children, came about in 2004 by Ruth Nwiga after witnessing the suffering of Aids children in Kenya. She approached some women who had also been trained/equipped with Home Based Care skills and some of whom are living with HIV or whose children died at an early age due to lack of access to nutrition and basic health care. The orphanage opened its doors to the 1st pioneer children on 16th December 2005. They started off with 8 children 5 of whom were already in the final stage/full blown AIDs and have since died, they died within the 1st year. The other three are still alive and have now gained good health and this is a sign that if the children are put on medication early, given a balanced diet and live in a conducive environment they can leave for many years.
*monthly donations to pay for bills and food
*larger plot of land to build a larger orphanage
*yearly visits to show our support and love
If after reading the stories of the children and the orphanage and you would like to donate (any amount or school supplies, good clothing, new underwear/socks for annual visits) please contact me at leahgrafton@hotmail.com